Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Slashdot's incessent rejection of Gorm 1.0 announcements

I'm sorry, but am I the only person in the world getting pissed off at slashdot for rejecting my posts? Does it seem like slashdot only worries about certain peoples posts and indeed only posts on certain subjects?

The site has increasingly become an GNOME/KDE site over the course of the past few years. It's become apparent to me that no other competing API toolkit will be able to edge it's way into that site so that it can get some attention.

It's time to make a better slashdot.


Nicolas said...

well... i agree that slashdot does seem quite biased :-) -- lots of submissions from many people, and nada... in the lot (imho) some good ones. compare to linuxfr.org and osnews.com where it was quickly accepted. But, i think that stefan (on the ml) had a good point -- not enough "fireworks" on our side, etc. Of course, it's not "fair", but there IS a bias against gnustep, on slashdot nd in general. So the project needs more work than say Gnome to get the headlines. It's just a reality we need to work with; complaining about it won't help... :-/

Nicolas said...

xlea: yeah, you're probably right, even if I think there's a slightly bias anyway, if only because the project is less widely known than KDE/GNOME ;-) and we need to put more proper efforts to pitch it. I think it's fine, it's part of the game.

But indeed, the problem seems to be slashdot, as other news sites don't seem to work that bad (on the other hand they probably receive much less submissions, so it's probably easier to manage...)

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